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Reflective Broken Diamond

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  • ibd UV/LED Nail Builder Hard Gel Clear 56gm Original Packaging

    ibd Nail Builder Gel Clear 56gm

    ibd LED/UV Builder Gels are user friendly, work very easily and selflevel for minimal filing. ibd LED/UV Builder Gels cure on demand, giving the technician the extended working time necessary to achieve the perfect application. LED/UV Builder gels do not have an odor and have very little heat sensitivity. They are formaldehyde and toluene free.

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  • Gleevia UV/LED Nail Builder Gel 50gm

    GleeviaLED/UV Builder Gel for Quick Building Nail Extension For Professionals - 50ml Box | Top Coat and Base Coat are compulsory for this item. Suitable to apply on UV gel nails, acrylic nails, natural nails, etc. Can be used on natural nails also. Provides a fantastic natural look for your nails. Makes your hands more attractive.

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  • Gleevia UV/LED Poly Gel 30ml

    Gleevia poly nail gel stronger, more flexible, easier to control than other nail extension gel products. It's lighter than acrylic gel. When you do the nails, it seems like you never wear any gel on your nails. It makes your nails look charming, with pretty length and neatness. No chips or smudges. Poly gel stays sticky after drying.

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Crackle UV Gel Polish

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Permanent Curl Eyelashes

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Nail Art Tools

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